Sharing the Bible

So recently I’ve been participating in a new trend called #sharethebiblechallenge. What you do is you pick your favorite verse from the bible, explain why it’s your favorite, nominate other people to do it as well, then share it on any social media.

I was on Facebook, then saw someone post some verses, which were 1 Corinthian 14:33-35. It shows Paul telling the women of Corinth to remain silent in church.The person then asked if any church still followed what Paul told them to do.

At first, I wasn’t sure how to answer. I read the passage before, but never really paid attention. But now there is a person asking me why Paul said these things.

So I did something anyone would do.


So I typed, “Why did Paul tell the women in 1 Corinthian 14 to remain silent?”.

I found out, then told him. But this made me realize. We Christians read the bible, but we never really learn from it. We don’t try to answer why the bible says this or that. We just soak up all the information and forget about it a few days later.

So I think that’s the real reason for the #sharethebiblechallenge. It’s to make you read the bible, and ask WHY. Why did God say this? What made the Holy Spirit compel the men to write this? So I challenge YOU to read the bible, and answer the questions you’ve been having.

Good luck!

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